Training am Kreuzbergpass
Color match between @snowlifegloves &💚
Erster Weltcupsieg
A big smile because of my first World Cup win!🥇☺️ What a long way it has been.🥹 Thanks to everyone
Heimweltcup Scuol
P6 for me yesterday. It's always special to ride @snowboardweltcupscuol!🥰 Thank you all for the best support and another unforgettable
Der Heimweltcup steht vor der Tür
back in Switzerland for the next world cup on saturday!🇨🇭💥 #cheers
Zurück auf dem Slalom Podest
About last night - 3rd place!🥉😍 #backonslalompodium
3. Platz Weltcup Carezza
🥉at todays world cup in @carezzadolomites!💪💥Congrats ladies @lolakrol and @mich.dekker!🥳